Saturday, January 19, 2008

Confessions Of a Broken Heart


Anonymous said...

but why is it on here?

Anonymous said...

Hey can I have an invite for The Last Night?? Thanks!!

Ashley said...

Hm..well I can relate to it. It reminds me of my family. I mean, My dad isnt abusive, but I still feel the way does in many the fighting and screaminng and slamming of doors..and more. My dad and mom have had a horrible history of marriage and they finally called it quits..and now I am caught in the middle of the two if you know what I mean.. But we can only grow from it, right? ;)
Um...I would send you an invite of course, but you'd have to mremind me how to do maybe I'll figure it out..

Anonymous said...

Oh for the invite you go to like settings, anyway, find permissions under one of the top options and then just send me an invite.

Anonymous said...

By the way, LeeAnna and Joella told me about your situation.

Ashley said...

I sent you an invite to The Last Night!